Tuesday, May 27, 2008

All is well

I am ok! I thought I would make that clear to you. Regardless of the two tough posts that I just shared with you....I keep heart and know that God is at work in great ways. I did not want anyone unnecessarily alarmed so I wanted to follow up with a "all is well" post. I press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

Love you and appreciate the many friends that read in!


  1. I'll break the silence. Noah, you were called to this. Carpenters hit their thumb from time to time, Electricians get a little zap from time to time, and from time to time plumbers get a little...Well, the point is every vocation has hazards, the hazard of ministry is always bumps with people. The problem is that we hurt because we love. When you face issues with people like you've faced this week and it stops hurting, it's because you've stopped loving. But I know Noah Kaye, and he's a whole lotta love.


  2. Thanks, Ben! You are always an encouragement and there is wisdom in what you shared....and all on a day that YOU needed to be encouraged. I hope your Dad gets well sooner than they think!
