Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are you giving anything up for Lent?

I just read about a Pastor giving up yelling for Lent...and another one giving up control for Lent. Adds a whole new meaning to fasting and sacrifice, huh? There is actually great value in sacrificing something during this season. It has a way of preparing your heart for the coming and power of Easter.


  1. I'm giving up gossiping about you. ;-)

  2. I am giving up reading your blog....thats a sacrifice

  3. Smile! You both are straight trippin!

  4. The problem I have with giving things up for Lent is that the implication is that we will go back to it afterwards. I've heard of people giving up sarcasm for Lent. I told them they should just give it up forever. (Unfortunately, I need to practice what I preach here.)
