Thursday, December 27, 2007

What is Discipleship?

Here is a simple start to answering this question:
  • Dictionary Definition of a Disciple: One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another. (best synonym in my opinion: follower)
  • Luke 9:23-- A Disciple is someone who would deny himself, take up his cross and follow Christ.
  • Baptized in the faith and Obedient to Christ's commands are the descriptors of a Disciple in Matthew 28. Note the idea of "obeying Christ's commands".
  • Reminder: Greatest Commands are Loving God and Loving People! (John 15 and Mark 22)
  • One who is committed to the SPREAD of Christ.
Becoming a Disciple means:
  • You act like Jesus would with the attempt of spreading His teachings!
  • You treat your spouse right
  • You talk to your kids gently.
  • You stop going places that you know set you up to sin (Bars, clubs, etc.)
  • You change the way you talk.
  • You change the way you think.
  • You live a life pleasing and acceptable to God, doing away with sin with the help of the Lord.
  • You live for Christ Monday- Saturday as well as Sunday. (He is a part of your week and your home)
  • You are engaged in the spiritual disciplines and are being challenged to grow!
Being a disciple means:
  • You are faithful in attending your church.
  • You are involved with and plugged into the ministries and vision of your church.
  • You are committed to giving financially to your church.
There is so much more...but this is a start. Begin thinking with me...What is Discipleship?

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