Monday, December 3, 2007

A Resignation impacts a Community

While, I am really enjoying blogging, sometimes it is really frustrating because there are things that I cannot write for the world to see. Sometimes those confidential things are the things that I need to process out and think through the most. Anyway, one of those things have unfolded over the last several weeks. For several weeks now, I have been processing a BIG change at the church. Our fantastic Youth Pastor, TC submitted his resignation to me. TC senses God's call to affect inner city un-churched people through other creative channels. We announced it to the church yesterday. (Not before lots of tears, questions, sharing it with the Pastoral Team, sharing it with the Board, and sharing it with the youth this past Wednesday.) After communicating the announcement in our services yesterday, TC and I preached a message about transition. I sensed that it really helped the community swallow more easily the news of an upcoming transition that none of us are happy about. I am going to deeply miss working with Pastor TC. Our entire church is going to miss him so much as well.

As I was preparing for the official announcement over the last week, I found myself laboring over it. How do you say it? When do you say it? When does it fit best in the service? How do I bring a sense of security to the community? What is the balance between celebrating TC and being hopeful for the next leader? Well, THEY DON'T TEACH YOU THIS IS SCHOOL! I have never had to do anything like this before. Where is the book on this one? It was so difficult, regardless of how it may have looked to those who were there. It was one of the harder things I have ever had to do.

My sense was that God was as we know Him to be...faithful, present, and speaking to us as a church. It seems as though the church did a good job of accepting the news and the encouragements that TC and I shared about the realities of transition in our message. We have a strong church, for which I am thankful. The presence of God made all the difference yesterday. The Lord has a future for TC and CCF that is as bright as the promises of God!

CCF is Hiring! If you know anyone that would be a good Youth Pastor to an urban youth Ministry, encourage them to send their resume to me at

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