Friday, December 14, 2007

Packed House, Great Party

Friday today, so my day off. Was on Daddy duty. Grammy helped as always. Well, I wanted to be sure to report that I went to the emissions inspection station again...this time with the right vehicle. Smile.

Just got home from the church Christmas Party! It was a great night. About 200 people came out tonight (record attendance for a CCF Christmas Party). If you were there, it was good to see you! I tried to spread the word about this blog a bit tonight as I mingled with folks. Many people I spoke to have never read it. I would love for more people to begin reading it. I believe that it has the potential to be a meaningful resource. Can you help me spread the word?

Highlight of the night had to have been Ike leading the 12 days of Christmas as we all lined the Worship Center and sang it together. Good stuff. ...And Davis hung all night...a late for the little man.


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