Sunday, December 23, 2007

An Inspiring Site!!

This morning's service was very special!!! I have enjoyed replaying it in my head a few times this afternoon. I loved the sight as I looked out. It was inspiring. A packed room (we needed almost all of our 375 available chairs), beautiful Christmas colors and a real sense of the joy of Christmas in the air.

What a special community we are a part of! Loads of kids, youth, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, even a few 80's & 90's with us today. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, African, European, Middle don't want me to start naming specific countries because we'd be here all day. Folks with annual incomes ranging from $15,000 to $200,000. People from more denominations than you have ever heard of...all gathered in one space center their focus on one thing that we all share. JESUS! Is there a better call under the sun? What a joy to serve as the Pastor of this church. Lord remind me of this sight in 3 weeks when I want to pull my hair out. Smile.


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