Thursday, December 6, 2007


Participated in the burial service for Jaye's father today. It was held at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. It was my first time there and it was an astounding sight and neat experience. All of the stones are identical except for the words printed on them. As we walked through the snow to the graveside area, I read some of the date ranges engraved on the headstones. One of them read "1981-2007". One of them read "1905-2007"! Aren't they both moving in their own right? The level of respect and honor for the family, the 21 gun salute, taps being played in the distance and the layer of snow across the field all added to the emotion of the experience. It was moving to see the value that they communicated to the family.

I was glad to be able to be there to support Jaye. My brother came along and we were able to grab lunch with a buddy in Northern Virginia before heading back to the hood. It is not too often that I am down that way.

Upon arriving back to the church, I was able to meet some nice folks here in the building. An Amish family. They are here setting up for an Amish wedding taking place here at CCF tomorrow. They are sweet people! One of the men was outside shoveling the remaining snow and ice on our property when we pulled up. Servants!

Anyway, I will wave to you on TV from my seats near the field at the Redskins game tonight! Yeah, baby! Headed to the game in a few hours! Skins vs. Bears.

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