Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Thank Offering

Some of you that read this blog are a part of CCF. Others of you are friends and family from out of state or that don't attend the church. So, if you were there, you know that this morning was a very special morning at CCF. If you were not there, allow me to tell you.

Seeing as how it is Thanksgiving this Thursday, I preached a message that invited our congregation to identify things that they are thankful for. At the end of the message, we all wrote on an index cards 2-3 things that we were specifically wanting to thank God for. After that, we all walked to the altar and placed our cards into a basket as a "thank offering". After that, we lifted the basket to the Lord (me and about 30 people in a huddle) as an offering of Thanks to the Lord. Psalm 50:14-15 & 23 set the tone for our offering of thanks today.

Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."

OK, it overwhelmed me to tears this morning to witness hundreds of people walking forward and extending their personal offering of thanks to God! It was evident as tears flowed in the room, that the Holy Spirit was moving this morning. The things written on those little pieces of paper must have been as various as the stories in the room. We destroyed the papers after the service. What was written was for God, not any of us.

Lord, to you be the praise for another great morning at CCF!

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