Friday, November 23, 2007

Have you ever shopped all night?

We have lost our mind. One of the things that we look so forward to every year that we come up here to the beach, is to go to the Rehoboth Beach Outlets and do Christmas Shopping...getting great sales. We usually go very early in the morning for the early bird sales. Well, we found out a few days ago that this year the outlets were going to open at midnight. We went. 1:00am-9:00am! It was fascinating to stand in lines that wrapped all the way around stores at 3 in the morning. Wild experience. But, guess what? We are done our Christmas shopping in one all-nighter!

We had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. By the way, if you have never had fried turkey, then you have never had turkey. It takes turkey to a whole new level. My brother fried one yesterday and the men just hung out outside staring at the turkey fryer. Good Times! I am not sure what the women were doing. Perhaps they were preparing the other 20 dishes at the table yesterday. :-)

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