Friday, November 30, 2007

And just like that they're gone!

Tricia woke me up at midnight (after I just fell asleep at the end of the Packer/Cowboys game) because she had just spoke with her Mom in NY. Terry, my mother-in-law, was diagnosed with cancer just after losing her husband in June. When she talked to Tricia last night she sounded bad, was very weak, and quite discouraged. She said to Tricia (as she often does) "I wish you were here." Well, my wife "felt in her heart" that she needed to catch the next flight to Albany. At almost 1am she bought a ticket to leave at 7am (yes, THIS MORNING). We were up at 5 and I just returned from dropping Tricia and Davis at BWI. They will fly back tomorrow. When my wife, who is very rational and planned, tells me that she feels something "in her heart and in her spirit," we listen. I will miss them, but they will be back soon! ...just like that there and all!


  1. Talked to Tricia at the airport. I was surprized and hope her trip is a real blessing to Terry!

  2. WOW! Well I'm glad that Tricia and Davis are there. Thank God for your blog. Its like the daily news. Hope all is well and that you're not too lonely without your babies. God bless you Pastor! :-)

  3. Thanks for checking in Diane. They made it home safe. Hope all is well with you.
