Monday, November 19, 2007

All Packed Up...

We are all packed and ready to go! We leave tomorrow at noon for Bethany Beach, DE where we will spend the rest of the week in a beach house with 16 people (family and friends that we love being with!). The place has 7 bedrooms, 4 levels, and an elevator, so I think we will all fit. We will eat, play games, chat, laugh, lay out and swim in the ocean (ok, maybe not those last 2). We are so excited for the break. I am going into the office in the morning and I hope to have everything pressing wrapped up and off my chest before we head out.

By the way...Our house is all decorated for Christmas, inside and outside (our home in Bowie that is, not the place we are going)! We did half Saturday and the rest yesterday. It looks pretty festive! We graduated to 2 trees this year. We have one in our family room and one in our formal living room in front of a window facing the street. It is one of our traditions that we like to decorate for Christmas before we travel for Thanksgiving so that when we get home, we plug and play! I truly do love the Holidays! Tricia absolutely loves traditions. She is our steady eddy. When it comes to the holidays we do things a certain way at a certain time...period. Oh, and since this is our first Christmas with a kid, we are starting a few new traditions this year. I can't keep up, but I don't worry, she won't let me forget them.

If I link up to WiFi, I will blog this week. If not, we'll pick up when we get back Saturday night.


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