Monday, October 8, 2007

I feel like it happened...Thanks, God

In my blog last week, I shared my heart about the communion experience that I wanted to CCF to share this weekend. I feel like it happened. The call that I sensed from God was that we needed to slow down and stop long enough to share together and understand what we are really doing. When I asked God to remind me again and anew why we share around the communion table, I felt like I heard this from God:

“Hey folks, you gotta eat to live right? Well, you need me to live too, you just may not fully know it yet. I am the bread of life and I am the water that quenches your thirst. You need food for life, like you need me for life. So, whenever you eat…at some of those moments where you commune…because you are going to have to…remember me…what I did, how it felt, what I promised you I would do later and PLEASE don’t forget what is most important to me, after you loving me…you loving others. So, look around and get right with people. Share together, eat together, as one. I love you, and remember you won’t be doing this for long…I will be back soon”

I feel like it happened...Thanks, God!

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