Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good Ole Thursdays

I love Thursdays. They help me slow down and regroup. This morning, after dropping Davis at Nana's and an interview with a local counselor (in preparation for my upcoming Masters Class), I headed to my off site office. I am starting to really get to know folks here who keep a consistent schedule like I do. Without fail, every week, I see people in bible study groups, small groups, conversation about God, bibles laying out, etc. Every week I get the privilege of engaging in unique conversations with people. About an hour ago, an elderly woman walked up to me and said, "are you a preacher or a student?" I answered her, "both". She proceeded to tell me about the church that she and her husband are committed to. I will let you guess what road it is on. Yup, Good Luck Road. Is that crazy or what? (you'll know what I mean if you read yesterdays blog)

I just stepped outside to make a call and I got the chills. Maybe fall will come after all.


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