Monday, November 10, 2008

Charldon McIntosh

My Great Uncle Charldon McIntosh passed away on Saturday. He was in his 90's and lived a great life. You can link to his obituary here. It is a bigger deal when we lose a Great Uncle seeing as how we have no Uncles, Aunts or Cousins...Mom and Dad are both only children.

Well, this Great Uncles' Son and his family (which would be my second cousin) live in Northern VA and have been very close to our family through the years. They have never missed a special event in our lives....weddings, funeral, graduations, etc. That is just one of the several reasons I feel like I need to be at this funeral.

Juggled a stack of appointments and leaving for Bluefield, VA in an hour. Be back late tomorrow night.



  1. I'm sorry to learn about the death of your great uncle. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  2. Thanks, Tonya. We are home safe and glad to be. The trip was the right decision and very worth it. God is good. Thanks for your prayer support!
